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This page is a overview of an iAlert - Low Stock Alert app
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This page is a overview of an iAlert - Low Stock Alert app
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The "iAlert - Low Stock Alert" app helps merchants get detailed email notifications when stocks are low.
Minimum threshold value is set by the user. So whenever the number of stocks is less than or equal to the threshold value, the notification is sent to the given email id
Detailed information about the low stock items and their variants will be provided by email. In this way, merchants will know about low stocks on time and can restore them as soon as possible without adversely affecting their business.
Firstly download and install iAlert - Low stock notifier app from Shopify app store.
The welcome screen is shown in the below image:
Below are the simple steps to create a new notifier:
Provide all the required details to create a notifier as shown in the below picture.
Below you can find links for each field which is present in the Details section. Click on links to get detailed information.
Frequency of a notifier can be set in 2 ways :
Instant (Real-Time)
Scheduled - User can configure scheduler based on requirement such as like selecting days, setting time, setting repeat intervals and applying filters such as - send notifications only if there is at least 1 low-stock item (or) Do not send items again until the stock is replenished.
Below you can find links for each field which is present in the scheduler section. Click on links to get detailed information.
2. Instant (Real-Time) - If this option is selected then whenever the number of stock items in the store goes under stock threshold then email will be triggered at that instant.
User also can apply filter - Do not send same item again until the stock is replenished.
Click on the below link to get detailed information.
Filtering is a search tool that lets users to restrict their search to a certain section.
There are 13 filters available in this application so that user can set a notifier very precisely based on their requirement.
Below are the links for each filter present in page 1 as shown in the above image. Click on the links to get a detailed description with examples.
Below are the links for each filter present in page 2 as shown in the above image. Click on the links to get a detailed description with examples.
Filters are highly customizable and helps user to get specific information of the low stocks.
Users can configure notification channel to send messages.
There are 2 ways to configure notification channels - email or slack.
For more details click on the link - Configuring Notifications
In the above image you can find fields such as Emails To, bcc, Reply to, email subject. among all the fields "Emails To" is a mandatory one. Because the notification will be sent to given email id's. It is highly configurable (It can be changed at any point of time and also it can be deleted as well).
In the above image you can find WYSIWYG editor and an option to check/Uncheck "Attach CSV file". And also there is a dropdown for items sort type.
Finally click on "Save" button - The notifier created will be visible in the welcome screen.
As and when the stock items value changes or goes under threshold level - A notification will be sent via email/slack.